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Forgiveness By Joy Wisdom

Joy Wisdom

Forgiveness is a small word yet big things will come from using it. The vibration and energy from your forgiveness to self and others depends how heartfelt it is. For instance ‘I appologise’ has a lower vibration than ‘I AM Sorry, please forgive me’.


When we don’t forgive we carry the weight of the event, hurt, with body system decline for instance nervous, immune system impacted. Essentially the only person who gets continually hurt is you when we hold onto regrets, negativities and hurts. From my experience people find it easier to forgive others, finding it challenging to forgive self. Sacrifice and sabotage found in the mix; our regrets cause consternation makes us dissatisfied with life.


Generally, we don’t appreciate the epic impacts on whole-body-unit.

When keeping hold of hurts, it brings our general demena down. I have worked with clients where they can’t forgive parents, partners etc., find it challenging due to deep hurts held and lived. Rejection and abandonment core body-mind-emotion, whole-body impacts followed. All sorts of health decline resulted, video reply in mind, disappointment felt. Embellished over time the heart impacts go deep, take over every fibre of our being, underlying in thoughts daily.


Not understanding or taking into consideration that parents, partners have their own abandonment, rejection issues, emotional spirals, their own vulnerabilities, sensitivities, shutting down from their parents behaviour, conditioning etc.


Living hurts and emotional impacts massively affects our energetic systems, low energy, fatigue results. For example, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) has underlying continual blowout of energetics, from shock, complex trauma held, knocking out body support systems. Aborting energy, overtime weakness, fatigue results, becoming a faded aspect of self. Dissociating with life. I call this Shell of Soul living.


We don’t associate historical life events with health today however weakness exists all over body due to unresolved trauma, harsh events, heart impacts and lack of forgiveness holding fast, driving emotional shell of soul living repeated historically. Intergenerational anatomical malfunction and trauma is  found underlying historical system weakness bringing repetition, further detriment, from disease, heart issues and cancer. Irrational fears linger from unresolved experiences, survival, low self-esteem, ground-hog-day choices and unresolved relationship re-matches.  

Additionally genetically we can inherit intolerance, judgement and bitterness from our lineages and cultures, mirrored, conditioned, taught, seen daily within society. It comes in many packages, dictates subconsciously, overrides todays living.


We can’t change the past, but we can heal it.

It is only by healing the past can we come to terms, move on and put a line under it.

Squaring the circle is incorporated into many personal designed to be different training programmes Joy offers. Essentially forgiving our past and self is a big part of recovery and improved health for ourselves. Squaring the circle within additions of therapy. Methods that help to improve the casim’s of mismatch we live. Healing unseen scars and wounds, carried within us. The emotional treadmill keeps us in unhappiness. In all cases it is essential to help individuals move on from adverse traumatic events received, inherited and brought with us. Because it gets in the way of liberated living today.


Forgiveness helps us to liberate ourselves from the etheric cords that bind us.

Every interaction is a vibrational, energetic memory, good, bad or indifferent.

Have you ever thought ‘I know you’, ‘you seem familiar’, yet not introduced or interacted with. In workshops, programme training I have seen individuals joyous to meet one another again, and the opposite.. keep away from me sit at the other end of the table, I don’t want any interaction with you! Grief, dislike oozing from both.


Obviously the latter is not helpful when running a training programme or workshop

I have stepped in to resolve the unseen and unknown issue (until now).

Explained the real past life situation, that was then this is now.. however the grudge remains today, lain dormant, triggered on meeting, very raw when emerges with contact. Various scenarios found, competition, jealousy, vengeance, revenge; deep memories of rejection, abandonment; devastation remains, hurts, physical damage ensued. The Romeo and Juliet scenario of families lineages at war, dislike, avoidance grows over historical time. As individuals swept up in the extraordinary cause and effect outcomes, locked in, repeated in future lives.


Memories remain entwined in shock, adverse trauma, devastation.

Talking about it leads to more of the same accumulation, additions to emotional drives. Direct action is required because the volume of cause and effect is unsurmountable in some cases, underlying and undermining todays living.  Restricting, suppressing, forming character, limiting behaviour, interactions feeling restriction with no idea why… awareness gone.


Etheric chain removal comes with elimination of emotions.

Etheric chains bind all together. Reduced with forgiveness and apology to each other allows breaking deeper links to one another. Emotion builds the ties, the hurts that create the mindsets and triggers, cocktails of emotional memories found. Stored in every cell and nuance of our body. Both parties (and/or groups, lineages etc.) need to be included. All tied together, removal of one is not enough. Otherwise bitterness etc, is passed on to new generations and new  generations continue living, mirror image of what was before.


Forgiveness liberates the heart and body from restrictions, especially the forgiveness to self. I advocate students look in the mirror when saying it. Some find it hard to acknowledge themselves, finding it a challenge to look self in the eye. However, keep going, becomes easier more we say to ourselves.


 ‘I forgive myself’ ‘I LOVE myself’ ‘I acknowledge who I Am’


Part of the forgiveness process is to acknowledge self, acknowledge wrongs, forgiving choices, events that have hurt, we are on both sides of the coin, as victim and perpetrator. We need to acknowledge our part in hurting others. Because we have.


Taking part in forgiveness, allows core levels to be healed. When more than one or two are involved it can become quite complex to round up all associated and involved. Compared to a spiders web it reradiates and ripples to bigger degrees than we appreciate. Being tied, caught up in the emotional event web logically it makes sense that all need help, to engage in healing their past. Be liberated to stop emotional festering, passed to further generations. Once gone the future looks brighter and lighter to live. 


Sometimes devastation, core impacts have been so shocking, on a wider epic scale, such as crucifixion, where more specialist help required, as individual has shut down, needing a deeper approach to correct. We only know what we know until we know differently, and past lives do have an impact whether we believe or not, genetically it is stored within us, ensconced until removed and eliminated.


I suggest Dissolve and Resolve Emotion therapy (D.A.R.E) fast track elimination of past life and historical issues.


Be part of the solution instead of the problem start forgiving, liberating self.


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