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Autism by Joy Wisdom

Joy Wisdom

The epidemic of Autism has grown over three decades, the reasons and lack of understanding continues through decades, goes on while all ages suffer.


Keele University have found highest levels of aluminium ever recorded in the brains of a small group of people who were autistic when alive. Finding aluminium levels were ten times higher than expected in their age group.

Putting the discovery down to vaccination and ASD the link is the inclusion of an aluminium adjuvant (an immune responsive activator in vaccine).


Dr. Exley from Keele university, suggests cells loaded with aluminium entered the brain from blood and passed through the blood brain barrier.  A pattern that is unique in ASD suffers.  Theories continue. In this research showing a genetic predisposition, making them more susceptible to accumulate and retain aluminium.  Or it could be the adjuvants in vaccines with aluminium salts added to vaccines helps stimulate immune response?

Or a combination of the two ?  Source: J Trace Elem Biol,2018: 46:76-82


Energetically and sensitive sensory perception will be involved in Autism, sensitives and ADHD. Making us more sensitive to our environment and people we meet.


All ages can benefit from JWT integrated whole body applications and education. 

If you want help with your own or a child’s issues, please contact JWT for a FREE horizon call to find out more ways to improve your child’s health wellbeing.

We only know what we know until differently.


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