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Tips for summer and holidays - Mosquito bites

JWT Tip for safe summer and holiday protection for you and your children.



Holidays are here and if like me you require a mosquito repellent it can be tricky to find one that is not toxic. As most DEET (diethyl-meta-toluamide) based repellents bring health risks especially for sensitive skin, children and pregnant women.


*For years I have made up my own concoction with a base oil and added essential oils such as Citronella, Tea Tree, Geranium, Lavender. Eaten extra garlic in food and often taken a garlic supplement for a couple of weeks before travel to ward off. And it worked.


2018 studies from University of Nebraska found coconut oil based repellents are safer and efficient. Finding the natural based protection can last over two weeks, whereas DEET base repellents are just ten hours! Source :Sci Rep,2018:8:14054


The fatty acids in coconut oil provided protection against other blood-sucking insects, flies, ticks, nates and bed bugs. University researchers also tested cattle and found protection lasted four days. Researchers suggest it is the longest protection provided by a natural repellent produce.


*The researchers used a base of coconut fatty acids, mixed with water and starch.

**Making your own you could add essential oils as above.


Keeping you, your children and environment in safety is the simple answer.


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