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Eczema by Joy Wisdom

Are you or your children low in Vitamin D?


We know that Vitamin D is received from sunlight, received from being outdoors. We need to be outdoors to receive. Suggestions are at least 15-20 min a day outdoors.


Vitamin D became more well known, during the pandemic where all ages were found to have low levels of vitamin D. Trials have taken place in hot countries and found society was sorely lacking in vitamin D. Don’t take it for granted we are receiving Vit D automatically because it just isn’t the case. Wearing sun glasses blocks Vitamin D.  Shades over the eyes rom peaked caps etc. produces the same outcome.


Vitamin D is known to help with our immune system, but did you know it also helps improve the skin barrier function. Therefore helping to strengthen skin function.


Eczema is a condition that has developed a skin reaction and often a complex scenario, a multitude of issues can exist. Such as digestive malfunction causing stress to the individual and body. Once received sensitivities can go to extreme levels, where anything and everything can set it off to bigger degrees.  A distressing situation affecting sleep with knock on effects.


Investigation is essential to find out the real cause.

A combination of whole body approach is the answer to correct internal and external states.

JWT whole body therapy approach is available and often a supplement of vitamin D and Zinc would be suggested. Logically the underlying digestive malfunction needs correcting for the supplements to work at a greater degree.


By taking a daily dose of Vitamin D and Zinc they both help to strengthen skin quality and function. However we need to find the underlying cause first. No one wants their child to suffer and whole body treatment investigation can help slow down and stop the cause and effect significantly faster than appreciated.  A big-turn around can be received with whole body D.A.R.E therapy. When infant or adult has symptoms reduced the whole family feel’s the release. And focus is changed.  A happy child means happy parents!


JWT has great experience with skin and Eczema disorders treating the skin is not enough!

Interested find out more at Joy Wisdom Trust website. 

Arrange a FREE 20 min call to find out more.

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