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Specialists use testing, such as hair analysis for nutritional assessments, to help clients understand internal malfunction. Lab report helps specialist to providing bespoke personalised health plans for improved health and well-being.


Hair analysis is a precise technique for assessing mineral levels and biochemical imbalances bespoke for each individual.


Lab tests are performed to high standards, for instance Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) offers insight into long-term dietary effects, nutrient absorption, internal stress, and environmental toxin exposure. The results and a comprehensive report serve as an additional resource for doctors or specialists, based on research by David Watts, Ph.D.


A hair sample is sent off to the lab. Hair forms in follicles where it interacts with blood, lymph, and extracellular fluids. As it grows, it hardens, preserving a metabolic record of nutrients, toxins, and biochemical activity, offering valuable insights into long-term health.



Hair analysis helps assess a wide range of health concerns, including:

  • Skin conditions: Allergies, Asthma: Bladder-Bowel - IBS:
  • Musculoskeletal: Cardiovascular: Immune deficiencies, Infections, Viruses: Chronic fatigue: Headaches: Male fertility issues, prostate
  • Neurodiversity (e.g., ADHD): Cognitive: Behavioural, Emotional health
  • Hormonal imbalances: Hypo/Hyperthyroid: Female specific Gynaecological, Menstrual: Fertility issues: Maternal stress, Anxiety, PPD: Menopause.


Hair sample note:

Hair sample requires clean roots to process. If dye or hair colour is used, a sample would be arranged between a minimum of 6-week break with no hair colouring.

Lab needs new growth roots (without dye or colour) to test.

Alternative hair sample includes – pubic or axillary (under arm hair).


Hair Analysis may take up to 3 weeks for report to be assigned.


Report is emailed over to client – Includes:

  • Detailed Lab report, charts, dietary adjustments.
  • 1-2-1 appointment with a specialist practitioner. Report explanation, specialist programme of support with reports finds and integrated functional medicine.
  • Bespoke health plan for adults and children for improved health. An accelerated approach to correction of report finds.
  • Bolt on 1-2-1 therapy options for specialist care advancements* 


*Please note: Where stress is involved a 1-2-1 D.A.R.E therapy option is advised to reduce stress effectively which would be integrated into bespoke health plan.

* Female health or Menopause programmes include Joy Wisdom (D.I.V.A - Diet, Iron, Vitamins and Aqua/water) tailored programme suggestions, emotional stress 1-2-1 method option.

*And/or Hormonal/ adrenal testing advised.


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Hair Analysis

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