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FREE Webinar - Children's Allergies and Eczema

Tutor: Joy Wisdom

Dates: 2024 Date TBC

Times: 10:00 - 11:00 (GMT, LIVE online meetings)

Venue: Online classes - Zoom
Please register for links and password
To join the webinar please book online, Zoom links will automatically be sent.

Overview:  Eczema and Allergies in children have been prevalent for decades. Eczema is a very distressing disorder and traumatic to both parent, child and adult. Parents of children with Eczema can find the condition very worrying and stressful. Even newborns with eczema from days old. Where Utero formation and trauma are indicators. Historical family backgrounds of gut disorders are associated with children’s allergies and skin disorders are factors. Logically future generations are more prone to disorders. Weak Skin, digestive and gut go hand in hand with skin disorders. Trauma and emotional distress is involved from the condition and often underlying cause. When treating Eczema we need to look at more than the skin. Eczema and allergies are the result of not necessarily the cause. And many hidden factors are found with children and adults.

FREE Webinar - Children's Allergies and Eczema

SKU: 217537123517253
  • Webinar - Children's Allergies and Eczema

    Eczema and Allergies in children have been prevalent for decades.
    Eczema is a very distressing disorder and traumatic to both parent, child and adult.

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